
Matthew 7:12

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15 May, 2024




“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God’s Law and Prophets and this is what you get. (MSG)



Do you ever think to yourself “OH COME ON!” when someone asks you to help them with something (like move house), or when your neighbour asks to borrow your lawn mower… again? You know, one of those requests where its just that step too far, you’re too busy, they never return what they borrowed, you barely know them, or even you just don’t feel like it.

Sometimes I am tempted to respond to God and what he has said to us through the Bible with a good ol’ “OH COME ONE! Now that’s just going too far!” Of course I don’t… well not as much as I used to.

Today’s verse is one of those times, where Jesus takes it further, so He is not only asking us to “love” our neighbour but He is moving into the “OH COME ON!” zone. When he is saying here to not wait for a person to ask for your help but to notice they have a need and for then for you to meet the need. This verse is what is referred to as “the Golden Rule” and the concept can be found in the writings of most other World religions with varied ways of saying very similar ideas but in the Bible, being an apprentice of Jesus requires us to continually move into the “OH COME ON!”, extra realm.

See we are told not only to love our neighbour, but to forgive our enemy and to not only forgive those who have wronged us but to also bless them, to pray for good things over them, “OH COME ON!”. 

We are told not to only love the stranger but to show unreasonable hospitality to them, to treat them as family. “OH COME ON!”

We are told to not grow weary of doing the extra good deeds for others but also to treat our neighbour as family, “OH COME ON!” 

AND then we realise our neighbour is anyone who is not you, the stranger, that annoying person at work, the neighbour who doesn’t return your mower, your mortal enemy, everyone… “OH COME ON!”

PRAYER: Jesus, I thank you that you that you loved me even when I was your enemy, that you continuously forgive me, that through you life, death and resurrection through your grace you have made me family, please help me to show the same grace to my neighbour and treat them as family, Amen.

Today's daily devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay WestSide