
Matthew 6:24

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19 August, 2023




“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.


Money has been an issue for God's people ever since it was invented. Modern day archeologists and scientists date the invention of money to some 5000 years ago and currently consider the Mesopotamian Shekel to be the first recognisable form of human currency.

It's hard to imagine a world without money isn't it? It seems like such an integral and important part to of modern daily life. And yet if money was only really conceived of as concept some 5000 years ago - then there must have been a time before that when money did not hold the same kind of sway over humanity. A time when we helped each other and just shared what we had and bartered goods and services. When our value was not linked to a number in a bank account, but by how we contributed to the community.

God's economy is built on relationships. Firstly a relationship with Himself, and then out of that, healthy and loving relationships with others. The question really is which relationship you want to invest in: a relationship with a God who came to this world to serve you, or a master who demands all your time and energy be devoted to serving and earning it?

PRAYER: Lord God, we live in a world that seems it would no longer function without money. Please help me to have a right relationship with your gifts - particularly with money. Help me to remember that you are my God and I am your child; that my worth be determined by you and not by the number in my bank account. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.