
Matthew 5:23-24

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28 June, 2022



MATTHEW 5:23-24

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you,  leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.


Say sorry’ was often the comment used by the teacher on yard duty, when mediating between two fighting children. At staff meetings, the subject of ‘reconciliation’ in the playground or classroom was often on the agenda, especially in a religious school. Often the playground conversation would go something like this.

‘Sir, he punched me for no reason’

‘No I didn’t! You weren’t letting me play your game of handball’. 

Teacher: ‘Is that true Josh, that you didn’t let Ethan join in?’  

Josh. ‘He doesn’t know how to play, and always breaks the rules!’

Teacher: ‘OK. Ethan, to be allowed in a game, it is important you know the rules, and play by the rules. Do you agree?’

Ethan. ‘Yeah ok’. 

Teacher. ‘Right. Both of you say sorry, shake hands, and go and enjoy your game of handball’. 

And off they would go.   

But it didn’t go far enough. There needed to be one more step. The next step is very important. It is the words, ‘I forgive you’. I forgive you allows you to move forward. I forgive you ensures you can continue. I forgive you completes the reconciliation. Our reading had Jesus commenting on reconciliation, and it is only when you are reconciled, when the forgiveness has taken place, that we are free to offer and receive our gifts – whatever they may be.         


Forgiver of all, help us to follow your example of grace. Enable us to follow your example of fixing things up before we move on. Give us the humbleness to reconcile with those who have wronged us, or whom we have wronged. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping