
Matthew 4:1

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28 July, 2023




Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil.


Jesus meets the devil in the desert and is tempted to enjoy ease, power, and fame. Jesus chooses otherwise. He takes the road of inconvenience. Would we do the same? Jesus models an important truth: the way we follow him points out why we follow him. Jesus answered all the devil's questions with the words of Scripture, the only way to follow the Lord. Are you hungry for more of God's Word or for more material blessings? Does God have to prove himself in order for you to experience his presence? Are other things competing for your worship? Only by holding firmly to God's Word and praying that God's will would be done in him, was Jesus able to withstand his time in the wilderness.


PRAYER: Thank you, Jesus, that it's not about me but about doing your will in your way. By your strength, help me to become more and more like you always. In your name I pray, Amen.

Today's devotion written by Francis Leung, LifeWay Epping