
Matthew 28:19

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28 November, 2023




 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,


What’s a disciple? How would you define it? The question came up in a session at a recent pastor’s conference. It will be an ongoing discussion over the next few years at our conferences. At this conference, many answers were given. But ‘follower’ seemed to be the answer given by most. 

How well do we follow then? And do you blindly follow, or wait a little while and see how others go? 

Not that long ago there was a children’s talk on the words ‘Come, follow me’. The pastor gathered the children, then simply said, ‘follow me’. The pastor went for a walk through the pews, crawled under the altar, climbed over a member, and balanced on the altar rail. Some children followed, some didn’t. 

The message was that although God calls, it is still an invitation. And some will not respond or reject it. Some will trust the caller and follow no matter what. Some will struggle with the tricky bits of following but will know that God will help them through those trials.    

How’s your disciple journey going? Are there times you forget who you are following, or when it gets hard, back away? You’re not alone if so. 

PRAYER:Loving Jesus, when the going gets tough, remind us that you are near. When we struggle with the stuff of life, remind us that you too had struggles. When we feel like chucking it in, give us your strength and courage and love. Amen  

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping