
Matthew 28:18-19a.

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6 April, 2024



MATTHEW 28:18-19A.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go...


We all know how important final things are. The final hug. The final kiss. The final wave. The final word. Especially the final word. When you lose someone through death or tragedy, that final word is replayed a million times over. You think about that word...deeply...often. This final word from Jesus is no different. “Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him—but some of them doubted!” (Matt. 28: 16-17).

Maybe you know that doubt. Maybe you are like the disciples and feel insufficient to meet the demands of life. You've seen everything that was familiar, comfortable, and secure slip away and you have questions, thoughts and are still trying to process what it all means. But you show up anyway...and there is one final word from Jesus. ' I've got all authority in heaven and's been given to me by my Father...I've now sharing that with go. Don't think...don't ponder...go and draw other's into my life that I want to share with them too! There's a life to be lived...a love to be shared...a relationship to be experienced...and you have my authority to go and do just that. In your living, your sharing, your growing, your worshipping and even your doubting, draw people into my life.'

Jesus' final word is one of empowerment and release. So draw others into the beauty of that life... Go!


Dear Jesus, help me just to your name...with your authority, to live, to share and to grow deeper in your life that others may experience the same joy and blessing. Amen.