
Matthew 28:10

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10 April, 2023




Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Matthew 28:10


Go home. Move on. There's nothing to see here. That's the message of the resurrection. Everything God promised, he has fulfilled. Everything God began. He has finished. Go home. There's nothing to see at the empty tomb. Stop hangoing around it.. Stop letting the obstacles of past hurt, past circumstances, past guilt, past shame slow you down or stall your life completely. Go home and live. Go home restored. Go home alive. Go home and in the everyday, ordinary routines of life, see Jesus. In the complexities of life, see Jesus, alive and at work in you. In complications, see Jesus making a way and leading to victory. 

When life has stalled, when life has you caught in a jam, look to Jesus, for he will clear every blockage that allows your journey to flow again, move again quickly. Go home and see resurrection bring healing to hurt relationships through the power of love and a willingness to forgive. See Jesus and his resurrection life flourish, as you give your life away to others rather than living for yourself. See Jesus as you choose his way of grace and humility and service rather than demanding your own way. See Jesus as you gather around your table with family and friends and experience laughter, and friendship and acceptance. See Jesus as you carry the crosses of hardship and struggle and heartbreak, knowing that they will never have the ultimate word in your life, that every cross will flower with new life, that the road ahead will clear.  Go home and see Jesus. Happy Easter


Risen Lord Jesus, give me courage to go home and live because you are alive and with us. Amen.