
Matthew 27:57-60

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8 April, 2023



MATTHEW 27:57-60

As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus.  Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him.  Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,  and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away.


An unexpected visitor appears on the scene after Jesus’ death and provides an honourable burial place for someone tried and killed as a criminal. I wonder if there’s a lesson there – that following Jesus, the unexpected will occur.    

The body of Jesus is given an unused tomb, and then blocked. With a rock. It was a big rock. It weighed between 1-2 tonnes, and usually needed two people to roll it into place. The body of Jesus is locked away. This was to keep grave robbers away. It was to keep people out. To stop the disciples from grabbing the body. No trespassers. Or was it perhaps, to stop scripture being fulfilled, that on third day, that the grave would be empty?  Was it to keep Jesus in?

Is there a rock in your life preventing Jesus from getting in? He’s knocking, you know. Or is your life a little closed currently? Is it similar to the lyrics of the classic Dave Edmunds rock song, ‘I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in’? 

Rock or no rock, Jesus wants to be in relationship with you. He wants to connect with you and listen to whatever is troubling you. He wants to remind you that he is the rock, and your name is on the roll.   


As we await the blessings of Easter Sunday, prepare our hearts Lord, for that amazing story and celebration. Give us a restful night, so that we can rejoice with the world in the morning. Thank you for wanting to know us. Help us let you! Amen   

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping.