
Matthew 27:45-46

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7 April, 2023



MATTHEW 27:45-46

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.  About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).


It’s Good Friday. What’s so good about it? Well, (and thanks to a popular author from the 1990’s, Tony Campolo), the best was yet to come. 

It’s Friday, and the world turned dark…but Sunday’s coming! 

It’s Friday, and the disciples had disappeared…but Sunday’s coming! 

It’s Friday, and the pharisees were smiling contentedly…but Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday, and Pilate struts around doing a power-walk…but Sunday’s coming! 

It’s Friday and the Jewish leaders were feeling smug…but Sunday’s coming! 

It’s Friday, and Jesus is whipped with a leather scourge…but Sunday’s coming!  

It’s Friday, and Jesus is nailed to the cross…but Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, is crying…but Sunday’s coming!

It’s Friday, and Satan is pleased because he’s in control…but Sunday’s coming!

Out of the bad, comes good. Jesus, feeling totally abandoned as our text tells us, begins his final act on earth – this side of the tomb. 

It might feel awful – it certainly did for Jesus, but we await with anticipation the joy of Sunday. 



What a sacrifice Lord – for us. What courage, what commitment, what love. Help us to have a bit of that courage and love Father. Help us, in our words and actions, to share and show grace to all. Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice and thank you that we won’t need to go through it. Touch our hearts to respond to that love. Amen     

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping