
Matthew 24:42

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29 November, 2022




Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.


"Turn over, you starting to snore already." How many times have I heard my wife tell me that. The problem is...I didn't even know I was asleep! But that's the thing about sleeping, you actually don't know you have been asleep until you wake up! Perhaps Jesus is saying to us today, 'stay awake' because the routine and ordinariness of everyday life is rocking us to sleep and we are not even aware of it. We have a rhythm to our lives but it has actually become a rut. Life is on autopilot, the same day after day, a going through the motions....and well, you are falling asleep spiritually and you don't even know it!

The question to ponder today is: Am I awake to the life of Christ within me and around me or am I snoring my way through life?

Advent is a season that interrupts our patterns and calls us to to get ready for the coming of Jesus. But more than that, it's living, sharing, growing in the future that we know Jesus offers and has made possible through his birth, through his death, through his resurrection and ascension. It's being awake to his presence in our lives. It living energised. It's dreaming, imagining, working to bring the colour of life to lives that have become dull and grey and which are lacking hope. It's being alert to the fact that in this hour, or the next, or in three hours time or in 24 hours, God may show up and surprise us in a way that makes us smile, gives us hope, fills us with wonder, and embraces us with love. Jesus wants us to be ready for that, to experience that. So don't hit the snooze button, wake up, get out of bed and starting looking for the surprises that God has left you to find and deliver today.


Good morning, Lord...I'm awake and ready to be surprised by you today. Amen