
Matthew 21:9

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2 April, 2023




The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”


What does blessed mean? How are we blest? Our verse tells us that those who come in the name of the Lord, will be blessed. The dictionary on Google uses the Oxford definition of blessed which is ‘made holy’, or ‘consecrated’. That’s us, isn’t it? That’s something, that you and me, children of God, followers of Jesus, baptised into his kingdom, can claim, can’t we?  Aren’t we made Holy each time we share the Lord’s Supper? 

Today’s daily verse is speaking about Jesus, as he’s trudging into the city on a donkey. If he came on a horse, it would have been as a majestic triumphant victor. But this King came on a donkey, and he was, and is, holy, and wants us to strive for that holiness too. Disciples of Jesus won’t achieve holiness…not in this life anyway, but we can give it a good crack with our words and actions.          


Triumphant Jesus, as we enter this most Holy of weeks, remind us of what you went through for us…what you experienced…so we can ultimately spend eternity with you. Thank you for your sacrifice. Continue to bless us in all we do. Amen  

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping