
Matthew 18:19

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23 August, 2023




“Again I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven”


Imagine you are enjoying a recital of your favourite music, suddenly someone in the string section goes rogue and plays off key. The harmony and peaceful enjoyment is disrupted, the curtain is drawn,  a hurried interval announced and many patrons are grumbling. We hope this would never happen just as we hope no action in the church would cause disharmony, yet sadly it does.  Very often disruption can occur over simple things, the type of music played, reluctance to accept change, an action or remark that is misunderstood; and it is sad when there is not enough openness and trust that it cannot be discussed in a rational manner. 

We need to approach problems in prayer with faith and the qualities of Jesus: compassion, understanding, forgiveness, love, obedience to God’s will.  It is important that we put our opinions aside and listen to the opinions of others in a non-judgemental way.  Agreement being reached is a sign of blessing and God’s will being done and the promise that our Father in heaven will grant our request for restoration and healing  will be granted. What a way to honour God - that the church prays in unity and spirit and lives in harmony with each other and God.


PRAYER: Father in Heaven, thank you that you understand our sinful nature and forgive us when that nature can cause disharmony in the church or among those around us.  You have blessed us that, through Jesus death, we can approach you in prayer, put our problems at your feet, and seek ways to restore harmony and peace.  May we always be mindful of others who may view situations differently than we do. May we always practice tolerance and show love at all  times.  Thank you for your promise to grant what we ask when there is unity among your people in prayer. Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle