
Matthew 13:33

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2 January, 2024




He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”


I don't know how many of you have ever taken the time to make your own bread. It's one of the things I like about summer holidays, Elise and I have the time to make our own fresh baked bread and we often do. The biggest problem being that a fresh baked loaf of bread is usually half eaten before it has had time to cool.

The thing that is cool about the whole process is physically being able to see the effects of the yeast on the dough. There is almost nothing as exciting in the bread making process (except eating the finished product) than seeing the dough 'come to life', often more than doubling in size as the yeast gets to work on the gluten and does its job as a 'rising agent' by introducing gas bubbles to give that fluffy bread texture.

This is another image that Jesus used to describe what the Kingdom of God is like. It is like yeast in the dough, it expands the dough, it works its way through the whole batch and makes it ready to bake and pleasing to eat.

As part of God's kingdom, as His sons and daughters, we also should be like yeast in the dough. God equips and prepares us with his Holy Word and Holy Spirit, to His bring life to those around us. Our presence in the world should be something that permeates the communities in which we live, that spreads to those who we encounter regularly and that brings a 'light and fluffy' texture to those whom God brings us to love and serve.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Thank you for my daily bread, for the way that you provide for all my needs. Thank you also for your Son Jesus, the Bread of Life. Help me to be a 'rising agent' in your world, bringing the love and life of Jesus to all those who cross my path each day. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.