
Matthew 13:31-32

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1 January, 2024



MATTHEW 13:31-32

He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”


I have heard this parable explained in multiple ways, but the one that resonates for me the most is to think of the church as the mustard seed and God as the man who plants it.

It is easy for us to lose sight at times of how big the church of God really is. because it is not just about us in our 'little' LifeWay churches. It's not even about the whole Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand; nor is it about only Lutheran churches or in fact people who regularly go to any church.

Luther sometimes talked about the visible and invisible or 'hidden' Church. He recognised that there are people who regularly attend church services and who appear to be 'members' of a church but who have failed to grasp the good news of salvation through faith in Christ alone. He also recognised that there are likely people who the Holy Spirit has called to faith, who regularly read Gods word, and pray and trust that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is all that is necessary for their own salvation, who have never set foot inside a church. The point being, we may never know exactly how big the church of God really is, but it is supposed to grow, to advance, to take up an ever increasing amount of space so that birds of all kinds (ie, people of all nations) will come and perch in its branches, find shelter in it, and a place where they can find rest and safety.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you are Lord of the church, you know where your people are and how you want us to bring your peace and comfort to all the world. Help me when I see data and statistics that show church decline in our society. Help me to trust that you are advancing your kingdom here on earth, and help me to play my part as a member of your body. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.