
Matthew 11:29-30

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29 March, 2022



MATTHEW 11:29-30

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."


These days new don't tend to ask about sin very much. No one really wants to deal with those things about themselves that they would rather just ignore. But understanding the significance of our sin is an important part of understanding today's reading. The reality of our sin is a burden that none of us is actually able to bear. It is why we convince ourselves that we are actually doing ok simply because we might not be as bas as someone else. We need to constantly be reminded that even a hint of sin destroys our relationship with God and condemns us to death.

In that light, why would you not take Jesus up on his offer. You no longer need to carry the burden of your sin, Jesus has taken that on himself. However, he does ask that, having been freed from that burden, that we would faithfully get to work following him and tending to the tasks which he places in front of us.

What is Jesus asking you to do today?


Jesus, when following you seems like a drag or a burden, help me to remember the burden of my sin which you have graciously and lovingly taken from me. Amen