
Matthew 11:13-15

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7 December, 2022



MATTHEW 11:13-15

For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. Whoever has ears, let them hear.


The human race are a fickle bunch. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the story of the boy who cried wolf. Basically, while caring for the sheep, he thinks it might be funny to shout to the local villagers for help to defend the sheep agains an attacking pack of wolves. He plays this trick repeatedly until the people of the village stop listening because they are tired of rushing off, only to find their time has been wasted. Of course, when wolves really did end up attacking the sheep, no one responded to the boys cries for help.

I sometimes wonder if that's not a bit how it was for the Israelites. God had promised a messiah, but it had been hundreds, if not thousands of years between the first prophecies which talked about messiah and the eventual birth of Jesus. Did it become like the story of the boy who cried wolf? Although the Israelites knew the prophesies and had been studying them for years had they been told and reminded of this promise so often but then waited so long for it to actually arrive, that they didn't recognise it when it happened?

Is this possibly something that has happened to you? Have you heard the Christmas story so many times that it tends to just go in one ear and out the other? Have you stopped recognising the significance and the importance of the story of a God who came down from Heaven and became part of creation in order to redeem it? If that's you then take this opportunity to pray and to ask God to give you ears to hear the love, joy, hope and peace he wants to bring to you not just at Christmas, but every day of your life.


Lord Jesus, forgive me for when I have failed to take your voice and your story seriously. Please help me to you more so that I can share you more with my friends and family this Christmas. Amen