
Matthew 10:20

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22 March, 2024




But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.


I have to say, I have never found myself on the wrong side of the law and been arrested for anything. However, I remember as a young boy when my parents were the 'house parents' of a group foster home run by the church back in the 1980's and early 90's, two particular boys (brothers) who lived in the house, who were responsible for a number of visits to the house from the local police.

I was quite young at the time, but even I can recall the exasperation evident in my parents expressions when they answered the door, only to be greeted again by a couple of local officers. And despite these semi-regular visits, I don't ever remember my parents getting angry with either of these two boys. Sure there were serious discussions had, consequences and curfews put in place, but never any 'angry words'.

To make a long story short, the boys grew up and 'aged out' of the foster care system. Over the years mum and dad got a few updates in the mail from one or the other of these two boys letting them know where they were and what they were up to. We still don't know exactly where they are with faith in Jesus, but we do know that the kindness and love expressed in the words and actions of my parents as they shared the love and grace of Jesus with these boys made enough of a difference for one of them to name his own son after my dad.

What I know is this. If I had been the one responsible for the police visits, I'm sure there would have been hell to pay. I believe that whatever my mum and dad said in those moments it was not them speaking but the words and patience granted them by the Holy Spirit that had a positive impact on these young boys and I hope and pray, along with my parents, that God is still working in their lives drawing them to himself.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I may never know which interactions you use to bring about a transformation in the life of someone whom I meet. Help me to always be aware that you are at work in me and that every interaction could be one that brings someone into your kingdom. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.