
Mark 9:35

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26 February, 2024



MARK 9:35

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”


'Rewards, achievements, accolades, trophies. That's the mark of greatness that the world applauds. Finish first. Win the race. Climb the ladder. Reach the pinnacle. Achieve success. From an early age, it is how we are conditioned. It's a mindset that is encouraged. It's a way of life that is hard to break.

But it is not the way of the Kingdom.

When Jesus hears the disciples arguing about who is the greatest, he reveals to them a kingdom mindset that has a different agenda, a polar opposite outcome and a transformed objective. Your mission today, is to excel in serving. Your agenda today is to live for others. Your objective today is to lift others up and encourage them in a way where they can shine in the world. That's what greatness looks like. That's what discipleship looks like. That's a living that will make a difference one life at a time and bring glory to God's name. So are you up to excelling in coming last! his welcome the least and make room for them to thrive!


Lord Jesus, grow in me your heart that in all I do today, I may serve others graciously, as a witness to your life in me. Amen.