
Mark 9:23

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3 March, 2024



MARK 9:23

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”


‘If? There are no ifs among believers’, says another translation. Sometimes we have doubts. Sometimes we’re unsure. Sometimes we’re nervous, especially if it’s talking about our faith to others. That can be scary! 

And in your Christian walk, in your journey of discipleship, you might also be thinking, ‘I’m not worthy’. I’m not good enough’. Or ‘I should be a better Christian’. You can stop thinking that, because there isn’t such a thing in the vocabulary of our Christian faith. Here are some reassuring facts. You are a Christian. Full stop. That happened at your baptism. You belong to the kingdom revealed in Christs transfiguration. The truth is that the more we concentrate on the saints that we are through Christ, the more we will act like the saints that we are! That’s what a vibrant disciple is. Acting like the saints we already are. So, you’re halfway there. God has already set you free. We who are Gods people are the ones who are free to be vibrant. Only by God’s grace are we set free never to have to justify our existence – we never have to prove to others that we are wonderful. We are declared important, beautiful, saints – by Gods’ forgiveness and reconciliation. Therefore, you and I can go out from wherever we are, and begin to change the world, and not have to worry that we’re not good enough. All things then, are possible.      

PRAYER:Thank you for that gift, Lord, that gift of grace we don’t deserve but you give us anyway! What a wonderful present you’ve given us. Help us to share that gift with others. Amen  

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping