
Mark 6:7-8

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19 July, 2023



MARK 6:7-8

Calling the Twelve to him, he began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over impure spirits. These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.


Most of us will have prepared for a journey at some point. Maybe it was an overseas trip or perhaps just a weekend camping trip or getaway. Regardless, a journey away from home takes planning and preparation; especially if you have children to take with you!

Of course each trip requires its own specific equipment. At this time of year many people will holiday in the snowfields and take a skiing vacation. They'll want warm, waterproof clothing, and skiing or snowboarding gear. Other people like to avoid the winter cold and head north to Queensland or the Northern Territory where you will still be comfortable packing only shorts, thongs, and t-shirts.

Jesus asks his disciples to go on a journey. He also tells them what they need to pack. It's not a long list, just take a friend, the clothes on your back, and a walking stick. No food, no money to buy food, no accomodation plans or pre-booked lodging, not even a tent or caravan. Just go, hit the road.

Jesus is telling his disciples to go and to trust that God will provide all they need for the journey and for the tasks he is sending them to do. Are you one of Jesus' disciples who is ready to go and serve Him now, trusting that he will give you the right words to speak to your friends, or that he might use you to bring healing or release to someone's life if you would only trust and obey him completely; or are you one of the disciples who feels like they need more training, more equipping, more tools in the toolkit, before you could ever go on a journey like that? Jesus says - just go with what you have and trust that I'll give you what you need.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, Thank you that you are always with me. Help me to recognise that You have promised to provide all my needs, especially the things that I need when I go out to serve others with your grace and love. Make me bold in sharing your word, trusting that you will use what I have and give me the words to speak when the time comes. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle