
Mark 2:10-11

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10 March, 2024



MARK 2:10-11

But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”


What does healing a paralysed man have to do with forgiveness of sins? You kind of have to read the whole story (Mark 2:1-12) to get what's really going on here. Jesus is making a point to those gathered around him, particularly the religious leaders, that he has the authority to forgive sins. He sets them up with the following statement, "Which is easier, to say to this man 'your sins are forgiven' or to say, 'take up your mat and walk'. That's when we get to the verse for today.

The thing about the works of Jesus is that they are not always obvious or what you might expect. The friends of this paralysed man brought him to Jesus to be healed physically of his paralysis but the first thing Jesus does is forgive him of his sin, then makes a point to the gathered crowd, and then heals the mans paralysis.

Sometimes what God wants to achieve in a situation is different to what we want or might expect. The key is to approach every situation in pray, trusting and asking Holy Spirit to guide and lead you into the works God wants to do through you. Sometimes it might very well be to pray for miraculous healing, other times it might be to sit and listen and help someone come to repentance and to announce the forgiveness of God to them, other times it might be to speak a challenging word to them about a misconception they have about God or faith.

Remember we are called to be disciples, or followers. We are no good as disciples if we are not watching and listening carefully to the one we are supposed to follow. By all means, tell him your agenda, but always be prepared to submit to his.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you gave your disciples authority to cast out demons and to heal in your name. Help me to be aware of your agenda as I go through my days. Help me not to get so caught up in my agenda, that I forget to address the work you have for me to do. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle