
Mark 16:17-17

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3 December, 2022



MARK 16:17-17

And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;


'Christians are a different breed of people!' It was the conversation I had with a person at a business luncheon, when he found out I was a Pastor. Unfortunately I'm not sure whether it was a compliment or slur, and we didn't have the opportunity to pursue the conversation as the speaker began talking at the podium. Christians are a different breed of people. That's true, for better or worse, hopefully better. There are new behaviours, new ways of speaking that accompany those who believe in Jesus Christ. There is a lifestyle change that goes along with confessing Jesus as Lord that should be evident to those who see us.

I wonder...are the signs in your life evidence of your faith in Jesus Christ? What would other's say about you? Would people remark that you are different from others they know? May you be a different breed of person because of who you know and what he has done for you today and every day.


Lord, your Spirit at work in me makes me different. Help me celebrate that difference and use it to reveal your glory to the world. Amen.