
Mark 1:14-15

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5 January, 2023



MARK 1:14-15

After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”


You know what strikes me about this reading is that the message Jesus is proclaiming, "the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe" is not very different from the message that John the Baptist, now imprisoned, was also proclaiming, "repent and be baptised for the kingdom of God is at hand."

The thing that was different about Jesus message was that first phrase, "the time has come". It was time for him to take over the role that John had been playing. There was no more time for preparing the way of the Lord because the Lord had come it was now Jesus' time.

Sometimes I think we get caught up or deceived by the kind of thinking that says, "I'm not ready" or "I can't do evangelism like that person so I'll just leave it up to them". John had a part to play in God's plan and he played that part faithfully until that part was finished. Although he recognised Jesus superiority, he didn't say, "well Jesus is coming and he's so much better than me I'll just let him do it." God has a purpose for your life and tasks he is asking you to see to. The time has come, your time has come! God has called you up and put you in the game, are you going to play your role or just walk back to the sidelines and spectate?


Lord God, sometimes it is hard to see the game plan the way you see it. Sometimes I have no idea the role you want me to play and at other times I might know very well but feel too afraid or unprepared to do the things you ask of me. Please forgive me and help me to trust you more so that I might see more clearly the times and place you are calling me to play my part. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle