
Mark 1:11

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7 June, 2022



MARK 1:11

And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”


It was sad to witness. A grown man striving, searching for his father's approval and affirmation. It was the goal of all he undertook, the focus of all his endeavours. He was an incredibly talented man, successful in so many ways, a blessing to the community and his Church. Yet what he craved was for his dad to say "I am proud of you." His dad was...he told everyone else...yet not the one who most needed to hear it. All the achievements, all the accolades were bitter sweet because what he most wanted to hear was his father's affirmation.

What a contrast we have in our text today. Before Jesus does anything, before Jesus achieves anything, the Father affirms his identity and delights in who he is. His value is not in what he achieves or accomplishes or does, but in who he is - the beloved of God. If you struggle with self-worth. If you are constantly seeking the approval or affirmation of others, your Father in heaven wants you to know that he is so proud of you. Proud to call you his son or daughter. He loves nothing more than being with you. In the waters of baptism, he announced that truth, that reality, to heaven and earth! Nothing you do can change that. When the Father in heaven looks at you, he cannot but help smile and his heart bursts with pride. Let that love put a spring in your step today.


Gracious Father, I am who you say I am - your beloved child that you delight in. Remind me of that every day because I cannot hear it enough. Amen.