
Luke 9:35

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24 October, 2022



LUKE 9:35

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!”


We live in a world where voices are speaking all around – friends, family, parents, news, social media, the Church.  Some have suggested that the average person hears around 30,000 words a day.  We see and hear between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements a day. We even have voices speaking with us, whether it is fear, shame, guilt or regret.  It seems that everyone and everything has a voice and a message they want us to hear and act on.

So what are you listening to?  How are you making the space to hear God’s voice in your life?

Luke’s version of the transfiguration, which is the broader text that our daily verse is couched in, is unique in what Luke tells us.  The transfiguration of Jesus occurs in the context of prayer.  Jesus is revealed in the context of prayer as the cloud of God’s presence envelops Jesus and the disciples.  The disciples hear the voice of God speak to them in the context prayer. ‘Listen to him’, God says.  He is the one, whose whole life, words, thoughts and actions will reveal the glory of God.  He is the one who will show us what living in the presence of God is all about.  He is the only one we need to look to and listen to in order to experience the powerful presence of God in our lives.

So what are you listening to?  How are you making the space to hear God’s voice in your life today, to listen to him and follow him in obedience?


Lord Jesus, give me ears to hear your voice as I live in your presence in every moment today.  Amen.