LUKE 9:24
For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.
Having grown up going fishing in my dad's boat I have always associated this verse with lifejackets, life buoys, and flotation devices. While I never had the misfortune of being thrown overboard while my dad was at the helm, I have often wondered what it might have been like to be lost at sea.
I am not a strong swimmer so for me, I would be completely dependent on my life jacket or whatever was keeping me afloat. To lose my grip on that would be to sink under the waves and be lost forever.
In my life, Jesus is like that life jacket. If I hold onto anything but him I will surely lose my life. Holding onto other things I just end up going under and being swamped by the pressure of life and the expectations of others.
What do you hold onto to keep you afloat?
Jesus, when Peter stepped out of the boat to walk to you on the water, he succeeded until he lost sight of you. Help me to always cling to you and find my life and salvation only in you. Amen.