
Luke 9:1-2

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4 July, 2023



LUKE 9:1-2

“When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”


Hmm, this is a bit like Sunday’s Exodus call to Moses.  Here, Jesus calls each disciple, he gives them power and authority, and they are sent to proclaim and heal.  That blessing was bestowed to us all with the coming of the Holy Spirit.  

So each one of us is called for a purpose unique to us, those tasks may vary over the years; they may have one general theme; or they may be a conglomerate of small unconnected tasks that we look back on and see the hand of God in it all.  

I like the sense of community in this verse, the disciples have grown close over a period of time, aware of each others strengths and weaknesses,  they are sent out together, and as we read the New Testament that spreads over many years, we see connections via letters and messages, short visits and long periods of direct ministry, persecution and death, growth and shared rejoicing.  

That’s a pretty good long term example for us all. 

PRAYER: Come Holy Spirit, come.  Fill our hearts, surprise our minds, build us into a community that has a willingness to listen for your call, obey and enter the adventure, and be blessed to the full. Amen 

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra