
Luke 3:10.

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11 December, 2022



LUKE 3:10.

And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?”


There are times in life when we come to a crossroad. Something happens. Someone says something. Things don’t work out. Change is needed. Perhaps we acknowledge the reality of addiction for the first time. Or recognise the deep sense of unhappiness or restlessness that permeates our lives. It leaves us wondering, ‘What do I do now?’

Sometimes life brings us to a crossroad whether we are ready or not - the loss of a loved one, a divorce, a shattered dream, a betrayal, our children growing up and moving out. We are left asking, ‘What do I do now?’

These crossroads are places of discernment and ultimately repentance. Places where we recognise that Jesus’ coming means our lives and the world cannot continue in the same old ways. ‘What shall we do, then?’ 

John’s message is simple: Go and be a people who act differently in the world. Start with the very next thing that you do. Give when it seems ineffective, love when it makes you vulnerable, be satisfied with your life even when it seems you do not have much. In this way, we give witness that Kingdom of God has come and the world is forever changed by Christ’s birth among us.

What crossroad are you at in life and what is the next thing God is calling you to do?


Lord Jesus, your coming brings a new focus and direction at every crossroad of my life. Use me to prepare the path for others that they might also meet you at their crossroads and be changed forever. Amen.