
Luke 2:49

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30 December, 2022



LUKE 2:49

And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”


It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. Friends were holidaying in France when they went to get on the underground subway. Their four-year old ran ahead and jumped through the open doors onto the train, only for the doors to close behind her, leaving the rest of the family on the station platform. A four-year old. On the train alone. In a foreign country. Can you imagine the thoughts running through their mind? (Thankfully, everything turned out fine.)

The same thing happened to Mary and Joseph. They didn’t even notice Jesus’ absence for 24 hours and then it took another 48 hours to locate him. Can you imagine the panic? The questions? ‘Where could he be?’ The desperation, ‘Jesus, where are you?’ It’s the same question God asked centuries earlier of Adam and Eve. Given a perfect relationship with the Father, sin caused them to hide. God asks, ‘Where are you?’ Not where they were supposed to be.

Jesus shows us where we belong. That’s why he came. If you’re lost or needing direction, if you’ve spent years searching and still can’t find what you are looking for, head to the Father’s house. There you will find Jesus and life in all its fullness. So how would you answer If God asked you today, ‘Where are you?’


Heavenly Father, help me daily to live in your presence, for that is where I belong. Amen.