
Luke 1:68

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15 December, 2022



LUKE 1:68

“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people.


Behind every song there is a story.

‘May the child of God grow in you. And his love bring you home.’ For my family, these last two lines of Robin Mann’s Christmas Blessing hold special significance. We were around the bed of my wife’s mother. For days, she had been silent. In the middle of a prayer over her, she opened her mouth and started singing those words. Her last words to us. Her final prayer for us. 

There’s also a story behind the song in our text today. For 400 years, there had been silence. The people of Israel had been losing hope about the redemption of their nation and the promise of the Messiah. 

But now, as Zechariah looks down at his infant son, the crucial moment of world history had come. In his arms, he holds the baby who will grow up to prepare the way of the Lord. It can only mean one thing. God had not forgotten them. The long wait is over. The Messiah was coming. God has visited his people.  After nine months of silence for Zechariah, the only words that could express that joy and emotion were the words of this song. Re-read Zechariah's full song in Luke 1:68-79

What song leaves your lips when you think about Jesus and what his coming means for you? 


Come Lord Jesus, come and fill my heart with your song. Amen.