
Luke 1:67-69

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5 December, 2022



LUKE 1:67-69

His [John's] father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied:

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David


Yesterday we looked at the story of John the Baptist's ministry in the wilderness and along the banks of the Jordan river. Today's reading looks at the beginning of that story.

John might have been a man who heard God's voice and went about following God's instructions but his Father, Zechariah, had a bit more trouble. Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth, hand been barren and one day while Zechariah was serving in his role as priest in the temple, an angel appeared to tell him he had Elizabeth would have a baby that would proclaim the coming of God's Messiah.

You probably know the rest of the story, Zechariah had trouble believing the words of the angel and as a result he was made mute until the day that baby John was born. When the words of the angel finally came to pass and John was born, Zechariah was able to talk again and he sung the verse for today in praise to God.

Sometimes the words and promises of God can be hard to believe, even if they are spoken directly to us and delivered by an angel. This is because sometimes what God says is to good to be true, sometimes it is because it seems too outlandish or risky, sometimes it's hard to believe simply because it is not what everyone around us is saying. But one thing is for sure, the Word of God accomplishes exactly what he sends it for. We can choose to believe it or not, but how much better to have that Joy that Zechariah showed in todays verse, right at the beginning instead of having to wait for God to prove himself. It's one thing to hear the word of God but don't forget to believe it also!


God, help me to grow in my trust of your word and your promises. When they seem too good to be true remind me that you are the source of all good things. When every one around me is telling me something different, help me to know and listen to the voice of Jesus, the good Shepherd. Please help my voice to also be one that helps other to hear you calling to them. Amen