
Luke 1:46-47

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16 December, 2022



LUKE 1:46-47

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,


It’s easy to forget the simple things in life. Like running and jumping around in the rain, getting absolutely soaked. For the kids in Tang Krang village, their delight in having a shower under the torrential downpour that cascaded off the edge of the building was expansive. Their smiles at being able to have a swim in the natural pop-up pools was infectious.

Mary’s song, called the Magnificat, evokes those same images. She had a mind thoroughly soaked in Scripture. We know this from the way the angel speaks to her and how she responds. We know it from the words Mary speaks. She understands what God has said in his Word. She understands who God is. She understands what God has done. She understands what God has done for her. She is so saturated with the Word of God, that it flows effortlessly from her in this song of praise.

How do you respond to the truths of God when you receive them? As old news? With indifference or boredom? Or like Mary, are you so overwhelmed by these eternal and inspiring truths, that all you can do is praise God? May your heart sing loud this Christmas.

What steps can you take to be more fully soaked in the Word of God?


Lord God, soak my heart in your Word that my life might give voice to the next verse of Mary’s song. Amen.