
Luke 11:1-2

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27 February, 2024



LUKE 11:1-2

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

He said to them, “When you pray, say:


hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come.


He was clearly frustrated. He had put his money into the vending machine, pressed the button for his chosen snack...and nothing happened. He pressed the buttons again. Still nothing...except this time his money was gone. He got mad. He repeatedly thumped the buttons. He hit the glass. He hit the side. If the station manager hadn't intervened, I'm not sure what his next move would have been. He had put in his coins, he expected to get what he had paid for and instead he got nothing.

Sometimes, I think we have the same approach to prayer as this man did to the vending machine. We offer our coins to God, make the selection and tell him what we want and we expect to push open the door, reach in and retrieve what we asked for. When God doesn't deliver but just takes the coins of our beliefs and trust and we end up with nothing, we feel betrayed by God, even angry at God for withholding what we really want. Perhaps we resolve never to waste the coins of our trust on the vending machine of prayer again.

Have you ever treated prayer like that?

Prayer is not a process. It's not a transaction. It's a relationship. That's what Jesus tells his disciples when they ask him, 'Lord, teach us to pray.' As disciples, we are always learning to pray. 'When you pray", Jesus says, start at the beginning...'Father.' In prayer, always go back to the relationship that exists. A Father who is present the midst of struggle. In the midst of need. In the midst of confusion. In the midst of uncertainty. In the midst of life. A Father who has always been there, will always be there. A Father who will lead and guide us through the moments of life, changing us, transforming us, strengthening us and reminding us of who he is in every moment, high and low, through every season, good and bad.

Prayer reveals what we believe about God...I wonder as you reflect today, what your prayers reveal?


Lord, I need help so teach me to pray again today and discover who you are to me. Amen.