
Joshua 2:15-16

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26 May, 2024



JOSHUA 2:15-16

So she let them down by a rope through the window, for the house she lived in was part of the city wall. She said to them, “Go to the hills so the pursuers will not find you. Hide yourselves there three days until they return, and then go on your way.”


This week we are looking at living courageously through the story of Rahab and the Israelite spies. You probably heard a lot about Rahab at church in the sermon today and there's good reason for that, she is really the focus of the story. However, spare a thought for the courage of the two spies as well. They also put their trust in this woman who had a 'reputation' around town. She was not an Israelite, she had no real reason or motivation to help them except the fear of their God which she had shared with them.

But a deal, or covenant, was struck between them. The spies had to trust that Rahab would not give them away or sell them out to the King of Jericho, and Rahab had to trust the Israelite spies to keep their word as the Israelites took the city a short time later.

It just reminds me that while God promises to be with us and protect us, especially while we are busy trying to do His will in the world, the help he provides may sometimes come from unexpected quarters. At those times we have to ask ourselves, is God at work here through this unexpected person to deliver me from whatever danger or trouble I might be facing?

God used incredibly unlikely people in many situations to bring about his will throughout the Bible. Don't write off the help he might be sending you just because it doesn't look like the help you had expected. Likewise, don't write yourself off as the help God might be sending to someone else, even though you may feel the most unlikely of helpers.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, please help me to see the ways you are at work delivering me from harm and danger. May I always give you thanks and praise for the ways you sustain my life, even the unexpected ways. Amen