
John 8:32

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27 February, 2023



JOHN 8:32

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” NIV 


Truth is a tricky business.  The Pharisees had their truth: Jesus declared himself to be the Truth.  The believing Jews came to see the Truth and found him; the Pharisees could not see past their own truth or accept those who questioned their truth, especially Jesus who declared himself the I AM.    

Maybe the world has not changed that much after all in this regard.  What truth do I live by?  To be honest, most of us probably live with convenient bits of Jesus’ Truth mish-mashed with our own concept of truth into something that is palatable for our psyche, lifestyle or even denomination. There is not much freedom in that kind of control over Truth.  But the verse starts with “then” so the previous verse must be important for it to make sense.  Verse 31 says to believe Jesus, hold to his teachings and really be his disciples….ahh, then… I will know the truth, Jesus, and he will set me free.  

PRAYER: Jesus, help me to understand that freedom is not the end reward, but the journey itself, freedom to believe, freedom to understand your teachings, freedom to be discipled by you, finding freedom in experience, whether good or bad, that leads me to you, the Truth. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra