
John 8:31

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30 October, 2022



JOHN 8:31

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples."


There is a problem that can occur for many people of Christian faith and manifests itself in two different ways. The problem comes from a misunderstanding of salvation by faith in Christ alone. Martin Luther knew how important it was to understand this correctly. On the one hand, God's grace gives us freedom freedom to live fully, without fear of judgement when we fail to live the way he has instructed us in his word. Historically, some groups of people understood this to mean that they could continue living in their rebellious and evil ways - Luther called this "cheap grace".

The other mistake people sometimes make is to hear a passage like this one and be caught up thinking that they still have to strive to live right, obey Jesus commands and always do the right thing, afraid that if they take a misstep that their access to God's promise of salvation could be in jeopardy. Rest assured, Jesus has done all that is needed for your salvation. Eternal life is yours through faith in him. However, he also promises us a greater and fuller experience of this life the more closely we follow him and and hold to his teaching every day of our lives on this earth.


Heavenly Father, thank you for those who help us to see more clearly your grace and mercy and for the work of Martin Luther. Help me to also be one who walks in your ways and strives to understand and live in light of the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, so that I might also help others know the life and message of the gospel. Amen

This devotion was written by Mathew Von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle