
John 8:12

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21 July, 2023



JOHN 8:12

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


The "light of life" is an interesting idea. While thinking about this passage of scripture I was reminded that the first act of God in creation was to create light. Before He created any living things, plants, animals, or humans, He created light.

It then made me think further, that we have all these multiple sources of light these days - ultimately most of our light comes from the sun in one way or another because the energy that the sun's rays give to the earth are used by plants to grow (we all learned about photosynthesis in high school), those plants - over time - become wood for fires, or coal and fossil fuels which we then use for our electric lighting.

Yet the source of all light in the universe - if we hold to the account of scripture - is not the sun, or any other star or astronomical phenomenon, it is the life giving Word of our creator God who became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the embodiment of God's words "let there be light". He is the Light of the world and His light is not something like a house light or torch which we might flick on and off. His light is the ever-burning light of life.

Maybe next time you turn on (or off) a light switch, you might take a moment to remember this promise of Jesus - when you follow Him you will never walk in darkness and you will have the light of life.

PRAYER: Jesus Christ, Light of the World, Help me to remember that only in you will I find the light of life. Help me to lay aside the things of this world that claim to give life, hope, and fulfilment, and help me only cling to you, the one who gives life in all its fulness. Amen

Today's devotion written Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle