
John 7:50-51

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24 June, 2024



JOHN 7:50-51

Nicodemus, who had gone to Jesus earlier and was one of their number, asked, “Does our law condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing?”


I used to work in an institution where the culture challenged my Christian values on how I treat and respect those less fortunate than myself. I didn’t want to lose my job which I really enjoyed; to speak up I felt would have had negative results. So, I prayed for some way to manage and then the idea came to learn of the history of the place, if I could understand that, perhaps I could find the right way to speak up.

In today’s devotion, we see Nicodemus being a little bolder and speaking out against the behaviour of the Jewish leaders as they plan to arrest Jesus. I think it is safe to assume that Nicodemus had been quietly reading and questioning and was beginning to believe, his faith was in its infancy and trust may have been a stirring new emotion.  His reward for speaking up was a personal attack against him;  maybe he saw that coming, maybe not.

I eventually spoke up too and God created a pathway for me to help change the culture and practices in my workplace. “You are never too old to learn” is a very popular saying which we should embrace as we seek to have a stronger faith and trust, which will give us the confidence to speak out against injustice and always answer those who question so they too, may believe and grow in faith and trust in his grace and forgiveness.

Prayer: Lord Jesus forgive me for the times I haven’t spoken up in situations that needed the calming and healing balm of your word and love, when I have been too concerned about me than another person’s crisis. Please give me the ability to recognize early when a situation or a person is in need of hearing about God’s healing love and grace.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle