
John 3:2

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2 December, 2022



JOHN 3:2

This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him.”


'In the dark' - it is a saying that we often use. A saying that has meaning on several levels. It can mean to be ignorant or not knowing about something. It can also mean to not be informed about something that would be good to know about. Nicodemus, is a knowledgeable man. He is a ruler of the Jews, maybe even a member of the Sanhedrin. His job was to teach the Jews about the things of God. Yet John tells us that Nicodemus is in the dark when it comes to Jesus - he comes to Jesus at night, in the dark. In John's Gospel, to be in the light is to know and believe. To be in darkness is to be in unbelief. So the picture we have is of a highly educated, highly knowledgeable, highly respectable, highly religious man who is open to new ideas but can't put it together when it comes to believing in God. He has seen the signs...the miracle of turning water into wine (John 2). He knows what the scriptures say, but he cannot put it together what he is hearing and seeing with what he knows. He can't read the signs that the person in front of him, Jesus Christ, is God himself.

I wonder...what are you in the dark about when it comes to Jesus? What do you struggle to believe, or to reconcile in your mind when it comes to your experience and what you have heard? Religion won't bridge the gap. Neither will education or knowledge. Only a personal encounter with the man Jesus, who is also truly God who loves the world so much that he can to save the world and invites us into a relationship with him can enable us to see clearly the signs for what they are, for who is at work behind them. May you see God at work around you today.


Lord God, when I'm in the dark about things in my life or the world today, help me to see what you are doing and where you are moving, that I may walk confidently with hope. Amen.