
John 20:28

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5 April, 2024



JOHN 20:28

Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”


Recently, I had a complimentary Personal Training session. It was brutal. I used muscles in my body that had long lay idle. But during one of the repetitions of lunges that I was asked to do, the trainer uttered the words, 'Step it up.' Step it up. It's time to go the next level. It's time to push a little harder.

In many ways, that's what is happening in the reading today. It's skeptic Thomas...the disciple who needs proof...who needs hard evidence to believe. And Jesus gives it to him. The risen Jesus shows Thomas what he needs to go the next level and to take hold of Jesus' risen presence in his own life, All Thomas can do in that moment is blurt our, "My Lord, and my God.' It becomes personal.

What do you need to move on from where you are to go the next level in your relationship with Jesus? Whether you are a skeptic, whether you are a doubter, whether you are just unsure whether you can go all in with this faith thing, are you willing to step it up, push a little harder through the doubt, through the skepticism, through the fear until like Thomas you are left awestruck by the presence of Jesus; till your only response is to blurt out, "My Lord and my God." Doubts are normal. Skepticism is fine. Fear is understandable. But don't stop there. Step it up. Go the next level. Ask the harder question. Push the boundaries of your intellect, your skepticism, your fear. For Jesus will meet you there to take you to the next level in your relationship with him. It may not be easy, you may use muscles that have long lay idle. But what you will discover is a new awe, a deeper relationship, and an abundance of blessing.


Jesus, than you for blessing me with faith. Help me step things up today so that my life gives voice to the truth that you my Lord and my God. Amen,