JOHN 15:11
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
Is your following Jesus bringing you joy? I don't mean an absence of difficulty or challenges, Jesus didn't say that would happen, in fact he told his disciples to expect almost the opposite. But do you find following Jesus a joy? If you find it's more of a burden, then you might not be following Jesus.
Many people today, including many Christians, think that following Jesus is about following a bunch of rules and regulations and performing the right rituals and services, having the right theology or belonging to the right 'group' of Christians. Those things all have to do with following a religion and sometimes, only sometimes do they overlap with actually following Jesus.
Following Jesus means loving others, even when it hurts. Following Jesus means having him beside you as your best friend and supported at every moment of every day, despite the circumstances. Following Jesus means listening to him and trusting that when he says we should do something that it is for our good that we do it. Loving others, caring for neighbours, reading your Bible, praying to the Lord, all these things - even when we fins them difficult or challenging are the things that Jesus says can bring us joy. They bring us joy because when we do them we know we are following Jesus and we know he is with us. There is no room for doubt or guilt, because we are walking in his footsteps so there is no room for the enemy t accuse or confuse us off the path, because we are firmly planted in Christ who steps the path out for us.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, help me to follow you every step of every day. Today when the hard or challenging steps come, take my hand and lead me so that there is no room for the enemy to snatch me from you hand or lead me off your path. Amen
Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.