
John 15:10-11

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4 October, 2023



JOHN 15:10-11

If you obey my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.


Today, too often we are tempted to look at the negatives of this world and so diminish the great things God has done and still does. We fail to acknowledge them with praise and joy, singing and dancing with a joy that flows out revealing its face in happiness. We all experience happiness but Biblical joy comes from God and abiding in his love.

This is the love John writes about in today’s text, this requires obedience and Jesus shows how he remained  His Father’s beloved Son by following his Father’s commands, if we obey all Jesus has taught and commanded us we too will remain as God’s dearly loved children.

When we abide in God’s love we are also filled with the Holy Spirit who can help us in every aspect of our lives to fulfil Jesus commandments, to influence our behaviors and our interactions with others, to pray often and tell the good news of the Gospel

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit [Gal.5:22 -23] our obedience bears fruit, gives Jesus joy that is complete and lacking nothing, he wants us to share that joy, a joy that is always accessible and complete in Him. 

PRAYER: Gracious loving and forgiving Father, I know that sometimes I let the pressures of today’s world distract and worry me before I remember nothing happens without your knowledge and I bring everything to you in prayer. Forgive me for those times and I ask your Holy Spirit to strengthen me to face such situations in the future.Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle