
John 14:5-6

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15 September, 2022



JOHN 14:5-6

Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’

Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’.


Distractions can be dangerous. When I drive by myself, I’m fine but if I have a passenger, I often get caught up in the conversation. I haven’t had an accident; I am aware of the traffic around me, but the distraction of conversation can often lead me to take the ‘scenic route’. I miss turn offs. I get distracted. It’s as if I don’t know where I’m going or, I’m not focused clearly on the destination. So it is with life, so many distractions and scenic routes that miss the important turn offs.

Thomas has grown up as a faithful Jew with all the teachings of the Torah, Prophets, and the other Writings. He has been schooled in his culture of faith but still he is unclear on the destination of his life.

Like Thomas, we need verifiable, truthful guidance to find the best path to a full life. Jesus is the only way; he is the embodiment of truth and the life he offers is complete. There are no lies in him, no secrets, no deceptions. What you see is what you get. He is as the Father is. Love in human form, love in action. Jesus came seeking us so that we may be saved, we seek him to find him along the path of life and so, know the genuine transparent Truth.

Spiritual Intelligence is knowing who to follow and with the true destination in mind.


Lead Lord, and I will follow. Amen.

Today's devotion written by David Schuppan, LifeWay Illawarra