JOHN 1:12-13
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become the children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
I have come to expect some curly questions when speaking to a non-believer or someone who has doubts about Christian faith, but the first time I was asked “What is a Christian?”, my mind was scrambling for a concise answer, I didn’t want to end the conversation with too many words that led to how and why questions. Then it came to mind, “One who has God as a Father”
We can live perfect lives of good works and following God’s commandments but we cannot earn the right to become God’s dearly loved children. Rather, we need to believe that Jesus is God’s son, that he lived as a man on this earth, died bearing our sins, thus gaining our salvation. When we truly believe and admit this, God makes us his children, part of his family. It becomes easy for us to make our worship, our prayer and devotion times and everyday life focus on dad, to take our sorrows and joys to him knowing he is listening. We also know he will answer in his way and time.
Prayer: Father God, I know that experiences in earthly families make it hard for some people to come to you or accept that you could be a loving, caring father. Please help them come to know that they have the chance to become part of your family through faith in your son Jesus. I thank you for all who have led and taught me your ways, growing my faith so that I could confidently affirm my faith in you and my identity as your child. Amen
Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle