
John 1:1-4

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8 September, 2022



JOHN 1:1-4

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.


The search for the Holy Grail. The secret of eternal youth. The path to immortality. The quest for meaning and significance. These pursuits have been undertaken for centuries. They appear in Greek and Roman mythology and have been made into movies. The ideas are used my marketers to offer us a formula, a vitamin, a fitness plan, a product, a business opportunity or strategy that will enhance or enrich our lives. The world is full of opinions on where to find meaning, purpose or significance in life. The Bible offers one. It's not a quest, it's not a product. It can't be bought and it can't be earned. It's always been there and it's no secret. Identity, meaning, purpose, significance and life is found in relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word of God, spoken into our lives that creates, redeems and sustains life. He gives identity, he provides meaning, purpose and significance, he restores life and secures eternal life... for all people. A relationship with Jesus. Life with Jesus illuminates the way ahead, whatever darkness, trouble, obstacle, challenge or difficulty we face.

So two thoughts to ponder today. 1. Am I living my life in relationship with Jesus? and 2. As I encounter people today and hear their search for life, for meaning, for significance, for purpose, for clarity, for help, am I sharing with them and revealing to them the life that is available to them in Jesus?


Jesus, Word of God, in the midst of a world of opinions and claims to know the secret to life, you are life. Help me to live my life in relationship with you. Help me to reveal and point others to your life today. Amen.