
Jeremiah 1:6

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10 June, 2024




“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”


Have you heard of child prodigy Michael Kearney? Born in 1984, Michael completed high school at age 6 and graduated from university at 10. After a couple of master’s degrees, he received his Doctorate in chemistry when he was 22. He certainly didn’t have trouble speaking when he was younger. When he was 6 months old, he said to his paediatrician, ‘I have a left ear infection’. 

     Jeremiah however, was lacking a little confidence. But God knew what He was doing when he called Jeremiah. The verse before the one above tells us that Jeremiah had been set apart by God, and that God had things planned well before Jeremiah was born. 

Understandably, Jeremiah is overwhelmed, afraid, taken aback, and probably astonished by this call from God. Called people often are. 

But if you get a chance, please read until the end of verse 10. God is basically saying, ‘I’ve got this. Leave it with me. I’ll handle things from here. All you need to do is trust’.     

Do you have that trust? Do you have the faith that God is in control, and will monitor all situations His children are involved in? 

It’s the truth. Let go and let God.  

PRAYER: Father, forgive us for the times we haven’t trusted you – when we haven’t let you do your God-stuff. Continue to watch over our lives and when we are stuck for words, plonk them in our mouths. Amen    

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping.