
James 5:13

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26 November, 2022



JAMES 5:13

 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.


I remember as a kid the fear I had of getting in trouble. So for the most part, I avoided it.

But every kid ends up in trouble eventually. I remember one time getting set up by my brother to take the fall for something he did. To be fair he had been quite clever, and while I had no memory of having anything to do with it, he almost had my mum and I convinced that I must have done it by accident.

I can't explain the sense of joy and happiness I felt when my mum actually managed to have him fess up. I was looking at a whole world of trouble if I had done it and then suddenly I was off the hook.

This is just how we are when it comes to God. Our sin gets us in trouble, but Jesus gets us out of it. When you are in trouble pray and ask God for help, he will find a way (not always the way you might hope) to turn your trouble into a reason for joy.


Heavenly Father, Thank you that you can turn my troubles into reasons for joy. Help me to face those troubles in my life with confidence that you will deliver me and keep me in your loving hands. Amen