
James 4:7

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6 March, 2024




Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Some of the ‘resisting the devil’ has been done. Most of you won’t remember it, but your Godparents certainly can. It was at your baptism, when your parents and Godparents responded to the questions by the pastor to renounce the devil and all his works and all his ways. And then soon after, the miracle occurs with the promises of God through water and word. Splashed with promise. That can be comforting for us. 

If the devil can’t get a foothold, he’ll back off. He isn’t weak and insignificant, but because you are now joined to God, his chances are diminished. This God who claimed you, and who has written your name in the book of heaven, and who watches over you even when you forget, is in control of all things over your life. Sometimes we need to remember to let him!    

PRAYER: God who is in charge, thank you for offering us a refuge – a place we can go and be still – a safe place where you will fight off all that life sometimes throws at us. Bless our journey of walking with you. Amen   

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping.