
James 2:16-17

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12 December, 2022



JAMES 2:16-17

If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.


I intended to start Christmas shopping earlier this year but…

I intended to get fit this year but…

I intended to volunteer at the local homeless shelter but…

I intended to complete the house painting but…

I intended to invite that new person at church/work over for dinner but…

I intended to …. (you fill in the blank!) 

Good intentions, no matter how well-meaning, are simply meaningless without action. As people often remark, ‘talk is cheap; actions speak louder than words’.  

James recognises the disconnect that often exists between what we say and what we do. That’s why he reminds us that living faith and loving action go hand in hand. The gift of grace that comes down from above (1:17) radically changes our heart, transforms our lives and shapes our actions. It’s a faith that is hands on, willing to roll up the sleeves and get dirty to serve others as people whom Jesus loves. Living faith always moves beyond good intentions to tangible acts of love and mercy.  

What is one good intention that you could put into loving action this week?


Lord Jesus, take my good intentions and turn them into concrete acts of love and mercy, that your name may be praised. Amen.