
Isaiah 9:6.

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8 December, 2023




For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Do you remember the Cadbury Chocolate Ads that used the Beach Boys ‘Wouldn’t it be nice’ song with reworked lyrics?

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
You could surf inside a chocolate tube
Ride your board across the wave forever
Get wiped out and never get a bruise
And if a shark came up and tried to bite you
You could say ‘I’m chocolate – I invite you’
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Wouldn't it be nice...for a little peace in the world. For peace in the Gaza Strip. In Sudan. In Myanmar. Wouldn't it be nice if there was peace in our community...where gang violence was a thing of the past. Where we could let our kids roam the streets again without fear. Wouldn't it be nice for a little peace in our homes...where conflict in marriage was gone, where siblings stopped fighting. Wouldn't it be nice for a bit of silent night, where all is calm and all is bright? Researchers have found that in the 3400 years of recorded history that they can determine, that only 234 years have been lived in peace. That's less that 7% of the time. Wouldn't it be nice...but let's get seems it is not going to happen.

We live in a world that is not the way it is supposed to be. But Isaiah tells us that the hope of the world lies in a child who will be born, a Son, Jesus Christ, who is peace, who will make peace, who will bring peace Into this world, by fighting everything that threatens the world's shalom. The Prince of Peace comes to bring about the restoration of relationships, a world in which every person and every creature is connected in a vast network of mutually edifying relationships in which each contributes to the flourishing of all. Now wouldn't that be nice.

How can you help someone today to flourish by celebrating what God is doing in their lives?


Prince of Peace, come and bring your peace to our lives and this world as we reveal and celebrate that your Kingdom is here and among us. Amen.